Kindermusik Programs
Trusted. Proven. Educational. And of course, fun! Kindermusik International is the world's leading provider of music and movement programs for young children. Kindermusik is based on the principals of Kodaly, Suzuki, and Orff. Music is the best vehicle for early childhood learning. We want to empower our parents instill a lifelong love of music and learning in their children.
*All Kindermusik programs run for 8 weeks.

Ages 0-1 years
$185 per term + GST
Class Length: 30 mins
Parent Participation: Required
Cuddle, bounce, and bop with your baby in Kindermusik's newest curriculum. Whether your baby is five weeks or five months, this class will be perfect for you! With age-appropriate activities for newborns, infants and crawlers, this parent-child music and movement class will help you strengthen those early parent-child bonds, understand your baby’s development, and heavily focus on child development and communication with your baby. You and your baby will enjoy instrument play, dance, exploration time, and together time.

Ages 1-2 years
$195 per term + GST
Class Length: 45 mins
Parent Participation: Required
Get ready to sing, play, and move with your little one in this high-energy music class designed to be just right for children under two years of age. This new Kindermusik curriculum focuses on your child's beginning movement, helping to build the muscles your baby needs to walk, and vocal development, helping to nurture your child’s speaking and singing voice. Embark on Kindermusik’s fun new exploration of singing, swaying, laughing, and playing through Sing & Play, a just-right mix of early-childhood vocal play and language development, together time, and music and movement activities!

Ages 2-3 years
$195 per term + GST
Class Length: 45 mins
Parent Participation: Required
This music-filled class celebrates the unique joys of your growing child. Each week your child will love singing, dancing, and playing instruments with you and her new friends and you’ll love helping her practice a wide variety of abilities such as gross and fine motor skills, turn-taking, social skills, and active listening. In class, we’ll also share tips and ideas for using music throughout the week. Plus, the fun (and learning!) continue with the Kindermusik@Home digital home materials, including music from class, musical activities, and each month’s story.

Ages 3-4 years
$195 per term + GST
Class Length: 45 mins
Parent Participation: Required
Each week in class we combine your preschooler’s natural love of music, storytelling, and imaginative play with age-appropriate activities that introduce early music concepts and foster independence, social and emotional skills, language growth, and self-control. We also connect you with other parents who share in the wonder of parenting a preschooler. Parents join class for the final activities. The Kindermusik@Home digital home materials bring the music, activities, and each month’s story everywhere you go. The repetition enhances the learning—and the fun!

Ages 4-5 years
$195 Per Term + GST
Class Length: 45 mins
Parent Participation: Not Required
From the moment you became a parent, you wanted the best for your child. In class, we engage your child in music and movement activities that also promote language, social and emotional skills, early math and early literacy, physical coordination, creativity, and more. Plus, your child will learn basic music vocabulary and notation - all setting the stage for future school success and formal music lessons. Parents join the fun for the final activities. The Kindermusik@Home digital home materials extend the benefits all week long with music from class, activities for the whole family, and each month’s story.